Tenerife April 2017
Have you really been on holiday if you haven't got horrifically
sunburnt and so drunk you have to get walked home? Of course not! So we've been
holidaying right, right????

If you don't visit the Chicken Shack and see Steve you've done Tenerife wrong. So hitting up the shack on our first night was a must.
Almost a year to the date after I first landed in Tenerife
and 3 months since last stepped foot in the Canaries I found myself back but
this time with company from Louise! Everything is different from when I was last
here, mostly the lack of my boys Josh and Danny and my girl Lauren. But apart
from that, nothing changes and everything feels the same. Same old sunny
beaches, same old pints of Cherry Bakewells and dodgy dancing down at P2. A bit
of karaoke at Paddy's, a messy night in Las Americas and a surprise visit from
our weeks host Curtie Wertie! (I owe ya one!)
A few highlights
-Louise getting bit by the worlds smallest dog.
-The Welsh Wizard Jamie eating a whole stick of Lipbalm because we told him to.
-Getting on stage with my boy Tony Kay and helping Gary Barlow
sing some songs.
-Racing against the clock to pick up Leo's mates from the airport but really just enjoying the roadtrip.
-Self inflicted Wine ban after polishing off 3 bottles on our first night and having to get walked home. But don't worry, Louise died on the 2nd night and Curtie on the 3rd. Back on the Amaretto where my heart belongs!
Dead Curtie
- Not the downfall of rain we had that trapped us in Green Corner
-Climbing up to the Spanish Flag with a flip-flop wearing,
hella hungover Curtis.
-Being reunited with the true love of my life
Great to catch up with the Tenerife crew, till next time!
Boyband team
I don't no why I have so many straws in my hair
Laura, Angel, Ondy and Silvia. Animation Represent!
Did someone say amaretto?
Us (trying) to be more highend with some cocktails
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