Saturday, 6 May 2017

A Wee Hello from Scotland!

From kicking off some traditional Scottish dancing to seeing some native Scottish Elephants we are fully embracing our (not actually very cold!) northern neighbors!

After a hella early flight and a classic quick pack a few hours before my flight I was up here just before 9am after being the only person on the flight not for business, dressed in practically pajamas. We decided to make the most of the day and did a safari trip! Unfortunately, much to mine and Louise's disappointment, no monkey attacked Goblins car. But we did almost get decapitated by a Vulture in the bird show.

Then we explored Edinburgh (or EdinBurger as Louise likes to call it) and this involved browsing every charity shop in human existence spending a days wage (so not very much) in Primark and chilling in the park under the castle and bullying our favourite pet.

A "sticky willy" according to our favourite Scotsman

We are sitting in the Goblin's garden with a currently cloudless drinking our now upgraded sacko (THIS IS NOT A DRILL COCKTAILS IN A BAG)  after a somewhat messy night in Edinburgh .

So last night the Goblin took us out to town where we indulged in dirty student bars and £1 shots and (maybe) one two many Absinthe's. Of course. 

Haggis Bomb - Irn Bru and Jager. A Scottish speciality (that nobody drinks) 

The party don't start till we walk in

But Edinburgh is a beaut place, and damn they have castles e v e r y w h e r e. We're going to try hit up Lochness later in the week for a wee roadtrip. But as for tomorrow I'm heading over to Glasgow to catch up with the girls from Tenerife for a few days.

You can read Goblin's blog from Scotland here, or follow his adventures here

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