Thursday, 25 March 2021

Marching on through 2021

 It's been a while! 

The excuse? I'm not sure, maybe too hungover from my birthday (back in February...) maybe too busy from work, maybe too busy playing solitaire. But anyway, here's the March edition of the blog! 

So what did I miss from January? Apparently this super cute photo of me and Jared from my first*wedding! Our Khmer teacher Theada had her wedding, it was a great day- until Jared had to go and sing his Khmer song in front of all 400 people...(okay, it wasn't so bad. The general standard of kareoke is worse...) 

*first invitation wedding, I've managed to gatecrash a few...

So January finished and roll onto February

Things kept busy with the pet care bits. The workload quietened a bit from Jan so I took that as a nice bit of "downtime", well not so much frantic cycling across the city to feed cats. And we have a few more recruits for later down the line when we pick up again! 

The beginning of Feb saw me hit the latter side of my "mid 20's". A few of us decided to hire Tuktuk's for the day and doa pool crawl, and visit some different swimming pools in town and have a few cocktails....a few....just a few....not as many photos from the day as I would've liked, but calling it my first day off since mid-Decemeber it was a worthy one..I defo needed a couple of days after to recover.

Apparently, if I'm not doing a "pool crawl" I'm doing a "pub run". The Star

Bar Pub Run is halfway between a charity marathon, and a pub crawl. You run from one bar to the next, finish a shot and a beer and move to the next. The first back to Star Bar wins. There had been quite a lot of hype leading up to the race. I believe I was the only contestant in my twenties...and amongst a handful of girls competing. I feel like these were both advantages looked over by the other contestants as I was labelled "the underdog" when I crossed the finish line IN FIRST PLACE! My running might not have been the fastest, but chugging pints is a skill I managed to pick up through various years of repping and such. You can take the girl off the island...

Oh, and it was in fancy dress. 

My best gal, Rakhee, relocated back down to Kampot after a year in the northeast. Missing her, spontaneous dinner nights, pool days, and chills so much already. But super syked to get to visit in the next few months...hopefully. 

Talking of new starts, I have a new house! 


It's just a one-bedroom, but the kitchen isn't the same as the bedroom. So that's already an improvement. It has a garden, and a branch of a mango tree, some banana trees and some cats that just stroll through every day. It's just out of town, so it's super quiet. I can walk into my bedroom and I go to switch the light off and NOPE it's just naturally light! Such an improvement. I hosted a little house warming party, it was due to be a 2-7pm event...of course, it rolled on much later than that. I had to nip out to work and leave the party unattended but luckily my friends are low maintenance and as long as there are beers they don't need much else. 

So now, this should be easier to remember. 

End of February someone escaped quarantine to go for a night out. Yep. I know. We went from having no covid cases, to over 800 and 4 deaths in a month. And whilst the situation isn't out of control here, it's by far the worst it's been since it hit headlines in December 2019. Travel has stopped between provinces. Gyms and schools have closed (which, of course, neither affect me). 

Mini golf date day

 This means that all of our pet sitting has been cancelled until further notice.

It's been a much-needed break for me to catch up on work, and enjoy some me-time. We held our staff training and T-shirts for work have been printed! As well as the town is littered with posters and business cards.   Me and Jared have been filling our time by doing tours of all the swimming pools in town, and getting in a few nice date nights, like this one at mini-golf.

Luckily for me, I still have Grover, the regular dog I walk, and my kid I teach that's making sure bills get paid. 

This weekend me and J are having a little staycation. We've been buying tickets for a few raffles and luck (and good odds for winning) have been on our side. We've got a couple of hotels stays to use, a few food vouchers, some gym sessions, pottery classes and whatever else. 

Siem Reap is an interesting place right now too because of all the road works. They announced a project last year to redo 38 roads, they didn't mention the displacement of people, destruction of homes, drowning in dust or pulling down ancient trees. But hey- it'll look nice in a year, right? Interesting time to be in the city for sure. I don't take too many photos, and there are loads f funny ones with makeshift bridges over moats and whatever else, but below are the very few I've taken.

It's nice to hear that things over in the UK might be returning to normality in the foreseeable future with the vaccine rolling out. Some updates from home I've had recently is that Beckie had her baby! Little burrito Eden. Kirstyn has brought her own house and Becky B is preggo! As well as the new additions to my family, visiting friends in the UK will be very different the next time I'm back.

Pool crawl! 

My girl Rakhee on my birthday

Me and J on my birthday


Other Stuff 
Coconut Coffee at my favourite place for food, Banlle. 
My gal Pascal loving life on my birthday

Everywhere is so busy during COVID 

The view from mini golf


A passing trip to Phnom Penh


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