Tuesday, 26 January 2021

This month-blink and you'll miss it!

 What a whirlwind of a month January has been! 

After having an amazing Christmas, and a lovely New Year I was really looking forwards to having some down time in January (where I wasn't stressing over the food woes or guestlist for our hectic festive season). Then January started. I got a couple of bookings with the pet sitting. Then a couple more. Then even more. THEN MORE. AND DAMMIT THEY JUST WONT STOP!!! 

Not that I can complain about that- I love my job. 
Pet sitting that is. Business owner? Not so much. 

I gave up a stressful, responsibility filled life a long time ago when I got made redundant from my manager position at a Lasertag centre. I didn't intend on having that back, then yep. 2021 happened. 

So in the blink of an eye, I employed two staff (the fancy way of saying I got two friends to come and pet sit with me and I'd pay them). 

And I've pet-friendlied my garden.

And I've cycled every damn road in Siem Reap (which are all currently in the process of being rebuilt. It's awful) 

And I've spent hours perfecting spreadsheets for bookings and wages and rotas and who knows what else.

The finish to all this work seems endless, and now I have my own company I'm just eager to unleash this business savviness that's been stored up in me. It's a big shock to the system after being unemployed for so long. AND I've been volunteering at the vet clinic in moments of spare time. Whirlwind! 

But keeping this short and sweet, cause hey- they cats aint gonna pet themselves! 

Things are good. Sending posi-vibes etc to everyone back at home- it looks not so great. Wish you were here! 

Not so many photos of me, but lots of cute animals. Okay. 

Dumpling and mock-meat noodle soup. This will set you back $1.50

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