Thursday 11 July 2024

Bok from Croatia!

Another season in Hrvstska is underway! 4/7 tours DONE…and some hella dodgy tan lines to prove I've been working harder at my job than I have been with my tan. Where to start, where to start? My promotion! After a few months away from work I figured that when I came back I'd want a little more from my job (not so much more work… but maybe some more recognition and some more money always helps). So I told my bosses who agreed without any persuasion and BOOM she's a senior leader! Does kinda help that I'm the only leader in my destination… Groups have been spot-on so far this year. Exactly what I'd want after a few months off. We had groups of 9, 10 and 14 on upgraded boats before this most recent tour hitting 17, next up is in the low 20s till the end of my stint. It's been refreshing finding a balance between personal time, personal goals, and work. Something I did last year was give too much to work, not enough to me. So this year I'm making sure I can keep on track of my goals. My last-year-of-20 crisis has seen me recently picking up a pair of drumsticks to ry teach myself some basic rhythm…something I wish teenage me did. But hey- best time to learn would've been 20 years ago. Second best time is now! I've also picked up my jump rope and been making an almost daily habit of skipping. Reading, writing…. Don't even get me started on the cluster-fuck of languages I've been trying to get to grips with this year (Thai, Singhalese, Tamil, Khmer, daily dualingo-ing of Vietnamese and Spanish…). Taking that social break and downtime to myself and nurturing relationships I already have and want to maintain. I've also found myself getting back into music again. My teenhood passion for all things rock, punk, emo or pop. Finding new bands. Unfortunately, the live side will have to wait for another location. But it's a start! Right, back to work again. Going good! Had some fun groups! Hopefully the pictures speak for themselves. Made some good tips and some of the groups have got me my favs (sour skittles, bucket hats, and rubber ducks). Scores on the doors are smashing it- averaging 4.98/5 so far this season. I've just got the news that I'll be heading off to Japan at the end of the season, too! So another language to add to that mess. Life is good! Here's a few pics and videos to prove it.

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