Thursday, 26 August 2021

I ate so many burritos

AUGUST 1st A great month if you ask me. Alas, now it's no longer 3 burritos for $8 I can focus on getting healthy and filling my belly with fruit. IT's not so easy now mango season is over, unfortunately. July went well. Had bits a bit more work, ate lots of 1/2 price bakery goods... I literally have no idea what I've done. Every day seems to have blurred into one. I honestly can't even think of what I've done in the past three weeks. How boring. But, in these times, boring is better than bad. C19 vaccinations seem to be going well here. I got my first dose of Sinopharm...the most reputable vaccine there is... but luckily there's only a 3 week wait between 1st and 2nd dose. We got the news a couple of days ago that the Delta varient has made it to Cambodia from workers coming in at the Thai boarder. That means we've gone into lockdon...again. But you know me, I just plod along, and accept any fur baby thrown in my direction during a lockdown! This lockdown sees Pixie and Dow joined by Oof Oof (a.k.a Amok). He's being treated for TVT cancer. It's really common over here, and it's highly contagious between dogs. Really nasty too- I wouldn't recommend googling it.
But so far so good, he's a super good boy. The vets will be coming here for his Chemo. Usually the chemo they're given is highly effective. Here's hoping!

EDIT: realised I never finished this, or posted it. So here- only 26 days late haha.

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