Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Bettering myself in Battambang

How are things? 

They're good...if you ignore that I got left in a bomb zone a couple days ago and the apparent apocalypse of Corona that is heading our way... I'm doing great! 
I'm still attempting to touch my toes and find mindfulness with yoga classes twice a week...still drinking 2L of water a day (sometimes even infused with cucumber, get me) still working on my Rubix cube solving times. It's a slow life, that I'm not quite ready for just yet- but it's nice.

School is good, although it can be challenging at times, also hella fun especially your kids are calling each other crazy, or that they stink of shit...or they're saying it to me and I get to tell them to shut up and that I understand (all in Khmer, the Cambodian language)..

My adult class is fun, although this is a challenge this week as we start our new topic of "Future Technology" when we're in a country where my housemate asks if my Grandma's hip replacement is "magic" because it sounds so futuristic conversations like this happen:

Chit (my housemate): My sister just told me a lady in my village is having a baby now, so she had to run and get the old lady for her.
 Me: Old Lady?????????
Chit: Yeah, the old lady who helps the baby come out
Me: ????????????? ....... the midwife?
Chit: What's that?? You just get the oldest lady in the village because she's had the most children and seen the most babies so she helps

another conversation we've been having in class about medical advances 

Me: Okay, so what would you have done if you broke your arm 100 years ago?
Class: ????? I don't know, the same as we did 20 years ago? The same as people do in the countryside now??? 
Classmate 1: You rub a baby chicken on it and plants and put it in bamboo? 
Classmate 2: No, it's not a dead baby chicken, I had fried leeches and plants and ginger and then bamboo? But now, I'd just go to the hospital.  

so trying to explain even Dolly the sheep is a little bit mind-blowing for some of my students (who are also Monks...). But hey- if it's not a challenge it's not exciting. Right??

They've been doing some work on excavating the river bank to do some beautification in my town and after the civil war here in the 70's they've been finding dozens of unexploded bombs and grenades. So I'm in class doing some homework and I finish a couple hours late, so I pass through reception and there's nobody there? I go outside and there are no cars?? But there is the Army and bomb disposal squad, so the whole road has been shut off and I'm there like lol what. So yeah, had a front-row view of the detonation.

Only a couple weeks left in this sleepy town now before I'm back to the Rong where I belong, and coming up with my plan B now as China is looking off the table.