After a long (and unwilling) break from the blog I'm back with an update and a few snaps from the Cruising days. My tablet decided to jump off the top bunk midsleep and (not only scare but bottom bunk mate Abi T half to death) but break. So it is currently en route back to England for the, ahem, small cost of $60. Cheers Australia Post. BUT for now I'm borrowing Will from the Bridge's laptop to bring you a much needed update about probs my favourite time from the Dawn, which is also the reason I haven't been writing or going to the gym very much because I've been too busy having fun and spending all my wages on $2 Strongbows down the Crew Bar.
"Ship life"... what a saying. It's the same that went for "blaming the altitude" on my ski season. You behavior just changes so dramatically from "the real world". But it does result in some great stories.
People are always coming and going on board, just as you say goodbye to some really good friends (like my MexieBestie Jesus) you make some new ones.

Me and me hombre Jesus
So we had a little cabin party squad going for a few weeks, me and some of the deck, engine and electrical department. And it all went downhill (or uphill!) after introducing the team to my favourite game- Odds On. Which has resulted in some funny stories, Dan being made to ask a stripper for a wifi password, Will being made to run round the bar with his socks on his ears pretending to be Dobby and being made to attempt to kiss the head doctor. When not doing the risky run between cabins, pinballing down the M1, trying not to get caugh out by Medical because your hand has been cut open by a Corona bottle (sorry Liam) we did have a right laugh. But for now the boys are all finishing up their contracts and this week we're saying our goodbyes.
some of the party squad this halloween
"come to Australia, it's lovely and warm and sunny"
A few parties we've indulged in, I'm sure the photo's say it all. They don't mention my Dance Offs with the Indian Galley Staff and Philippiano Tech Team, floor bundles, attempts in Crowd Surfing or the rest. But I'm sure everyone who knows me can fill in the blanks because I certainly can't.
Our most recent venture out is hands down one of my favourite because it finally brought us back to the real world. For the Melbourne Cup 3/5 of the P&O Australia ships docked in Melbourne for the horse racing. 2000 crew + a night off (x Alcohol) = one amazing night. After getting lost in the Casino for hours, hitting a security guard with my jacket because I was swinging it around my head- climbing on a truck because i thought it was Optimus Prime, earning drinks via The Worm (cause who has $20 to spend on a cocktail?!) and getting my Hungry Jacks at the end of the night. It was a well deserved break. I mean, it was no Ali Baba Kebabs but beggars can't be choosers, eh?
But we almost didn't make it to the City. But when I say we, I really mean Oli after he tried to use my WHITE DRESS to mop up our spilt drinks. Lucky escape Mr Harding on this occasion
The team pre-Casino
Repping the zinc and spontaneous glitter fights in the shop
Sometimes us in the Edge team do like to try to dress to impress when we eventually run the Zinc off our faces, jump out of our shorts and sunnies and into something a bit more "Cruise ship friendly". Then all the Deck and Engine departments realise you're actually a girl (and maybe not a lesbian) the drinks come flying in! (Apart from the Italian Bridge Officer who has it in for me after I rejected his advances and kicks me off the bridge)
So cue us going out for the evening to the Salt Grill aka, the fancy restaurant on the ship. Dressed all fancy so the whole ship doesn't recognise us, yet they can still hear us after we polished off a good couple of bottles of wine and then showed up at the White Party in no-so-white attire. Ooops!
scrubbing up nicely
The Captain
So it's nearing the end of my contract now and I have still yet to see a single piece of Eggy Bread, although one of the officers from the Bridge who I was telling my tale-of-woe to tried bringing me some french toast which is obviously different from eggy bread; but it's the thought that counts. But Captain Alan has gone now and been replaced by new Captain Alan! But that wasn't before a few run ins with him.
So the first time I met Captain Alan (1) was on my induction back in the first week of July where he infamously said "I want to be here as much as all of you do... not very much so let's get this over with and maybe even try to enjoy it" and since then I haven;t seen the captain for over two months until one day I'm walking through the crew dungeons and I see an officer I don't recognize so I'm like "alright mate!" and then I hear the voice from the midday "8 bells and all is well" announcement that happens everyday at 12pm and shit myself because I've just said "alright mate" to the bloody captain. But the anecdotes don't get any better from there because encounter number 2 was opening the cabin door at 7am after a cabin party with one of the other attendees only to find the Captain is standing straight outside and totally catches you off guard but you play it cool (because obviously you can't admit you've just finished the party and you're going to crew mess and they're going to work whilst everyone else gets some beauty sleep). And, phew, he hasn't noticed UNTIL you get halfway down the M1 to hear "THE WALK OF SHAMEEEEEE!" being bellowed down the central hub of the ship by THE BLOODY CAPTAIN. Never had my face burn so red in my life and made a faster pace walk away from a scene.
"the office" literally...
My last encounter with Captain Alan, until he comes back again at the end of the month, was down at the Crew Pool. There's 715 crew on board the ship, so who is the person you least expect and want to share the crew pool with? Captain. But of course, I acknowledged him mid-entrance to the swimming pool in my bikini "oh hi Captain...I bet you're gutted you're stuck down here with me and not a spa girl". But in the flow of conversation I dropped that I was from Crawley and all became apparent to him, being from Southampton himself.
It seems apparent that I'm unable to make a normal conversation with someone with 4 stipes and a sun on their shoulder. New Captain Alan comes on board, and in the spirit of the Uniform Swap party I thought it'd be worth a shot. The answer was a no, but you never know unless you give it a go!
And that brings a swift end to my wifi for the week, but hopefully I'll get some more written and posted for next turnaround day!
Quotes of the week:
"Do you think if I put a strobe light in my room it'll set off the smoke alarm?" -Oli 5/11/17 10.26pm
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