Wednesday, 30 September 2020



Things are going fabulous over in Cambodia! 

This month I have:

  • Not been decapitated by numerous cars opening their doors as I decide to cycle past 
  • Haven't been swallowed up by sinkhole sized pot-holes on the notorious Sok San Road
  • I've hit a milestone with my latest project underway (thus why I haven't been writing too much on the blog) 
  • MOVED INTO MY OWN APARTMENT (including the resident ginger pregnant cat) 
  • Started a little cycle touring gig, taking out some people on bike tours around Siem Reap and pretending my Khmer is much better than it is 
  • Secured my first client in Pet Care Cambodia  (my new dog walking, pet sitting side hustle) 
  • Still been covering a fair few KM on my bicycle and on my legs with some infrequent morning runs 
  • Enjoyed a few beers and margaritas 
  • Went for an All-You-Can-Eat breakfast buffet

Life is great! things are moving so fast in this new little life I#m starting up and it's the first time in a longlonglonglong time that I'm somewhere that I have no intention of moving on from. 

Baby Theo is famous! 

Ultimate Frisbee squad

Letting the good times roll! You can still burn 1800kcals a day and still have belly creases when you sit down y'all 

Did someone say..breakfast buffet? 

Me and my Seattle sis, D! 

Me and Rahkee at the circus! 

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Time of my Life in Temple Town

 Good morning everyone! 

As Summer draws top a close in Europe, the wet season is creeping closer to a close. It's not to say that we're not still getting downpours (Universally timed for when I'm out on a bike ride). However, our booming thunder and strobe lightning are gradually fading away. My time in Temple Town is taking on leaps and bounds.

It's been a while (well, since I cracked that bone in my leg last year) since I've been in an environment that has allowed me to unleash my best self. I've been confident but overran with laziness, or lack of motivation, or deprivation for the urge to social. Being the social human you all know me to be, that's a real change. 

I usually thrive in high-intensity environments (see my eight-month stint on that cruise ship or my contract in Tenerife as a hotel animator and scooter-riding-pirate) and for the most part, the past eighteen months or so have been....well...not high intensity, slow, and quite...boring. Arriving at Siem Reap and having a new city to call home is the strike of inspiration I've needed to take myself to the next level of whatever it is that I need next. 

Right now it's a great time to find the balance between my health, socialising, keeping fit, finding an output for some backed up creative energy. I've been going to art classes, made a bunch of new mates, cycle 50km every day, teaching myself to draw, I'm starting to play Ultimate Frizbee, writing a shit-tonne...and been drinking 4L of water a day. Adulting, achieved. 

So that's my latest little update. Might write about some funny stories coming up soon. Currently phoneless, alas, no photos at all. But you can just imagine me in full freckled glory, beaming at the camera!